Prepare Yourself Today for Tomorrow’s Workforce

Gabriel Tan
3 min readOct 6, 2022


Photo by Callum Shaw on Unsplash

In my previous article, I discussed how 3 global phenomena will affect Gen Zs and their outlook on life. In 5 years’ time, this group of young people will be entering the workforce with radically different perspectives and values from their predecessors.

The future of work for these digital natives will be more flexible, social, and virtual. There will be a greater emphasis on pay, relationships, and individualised professional development. Colourful, physical spaces and office perks will lose its Millennial appeal.

What more, Covid-19’s effects and increasingly challenging economic climates will rattle huge and incumbent businesses, leaving behind smaller, leaner and more agile businesses.

All businesses will be expected to have some sort of social impact, and savvy customers & employees will be able to tell when a company is green-washing its products or not.

As such, businesses will be pushed towards greater transparency and authenticity in its dealings with customers, as well as its employees.

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Our global economy is transiting from an Information Age to a Social Age.

Where information and content was once a source of monetization, these content are now becoming free online via improved technological access. Welcome the Social Age, where connection — be it virtual or in-person is the new currency.

Due to changing needs, the new workforce will become more selective in their job searches, and incumbent employers will have to increasingly make do with contract/freelancer roles to become more agile amidst manpower volatility.

With connectivity in the hands of the people, individuals will be better able to connect with each other to create new value. This will manifest in the rise of passion projects, social enterprises, and freelance work.

This means an individual can potentially be an “employee” of multiple companies in the future. Conversely, more people will work for themselves in the future.

Already, 23 million new people joined the Gig Economy in the US in 2020 alone, and 80% of large corporations plan to increase their use of flexible workers in the coming years.

In conclusion, the very concept of work itself will change in as early as 5 years time.

In response, companies will adapt its work culture to continue attracting talent. The colourful offices, free food, and spaces for collaboration that appealed to Millennials will not be as attractive to Gen Zs much longer.

GenZs demand authenticity, virtual connection, and community. Hence, there will be a shift away from bigger brands towards more authentic companies.

For individuals, more people will connect with each other globally to start their own projects and become freelancers to support other projects. Bamboo Builders is supporting this movement through our mobile-learning social entrepreneurship modules.

Would you be a Freelancer? What industry would you work in? Let me know your thoughts!



Gabriel Tan

Impact Entrepreneur of the Year, Gabriel has trained thousands of young people in social entrepreneurship and incepted 13 social businesses throughout ASEAN.