How to Gain Control Amidst Uncertainty

Gabriel Tan
4 min readJun 29, 2022


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The future is uncertain. We may take steps now to adjust the probability of future outcomes, but we can never quite guarantee or control it.

Covid-19 has best exemplified this. In the workplace, in schools, in restaurants, and even in human relationships, the post-covid future will never be the same again.

What do we do then, with all this uncertainty?

Some try to predict EVERYTHING that could go wrong and put in place plans to tackle these scenarios. This may help with lowering the level of uncertainty.

Yet, even the best plans fall short and efforts to gain control fail! What then?

I believe the answer lies in first acknowledging and understanding that we can’t control everything.

Next, we need to have faith. Faith is the complete assurance and confidence that things will work out for the best. Faith helps us overcome anxiety and worry.

This article attempts to discuss 3 scenarios of applied faith:

  1. Faith in Action
  2. Faith in Conflict
  3. Faith in Waiting

1. Faith in Action

The easiest scenario to have faith.

You have your plan A, and likely plan B and C too. All you have to do is take action.

You expect some minor unforeseen issues to go wrong, but are confident you and your team can handle them. It may be challenging, but the struggle will be full of learning and your victory sweet (at least that’s what you tell yourself).

Uncertainty here is present, but faith — be it in yourself, your team or your plans — is high.

2. Faith in Conflict

Photo by Afif Kusuma on Unsplash

Things get rocky. You and your teammate don’t see eye-to-eye. The stakes are high and tension is in the air. Raised voices, shaking heads, tightened jaws.

Conflict can be demoralising and frustrating. To make things worse, the outcome of these high-strung situations are often uncertain.

This uncertainty often invites dread and anxiety that nag at us in our subconscious minds. Overtime, the build-up of stress in our bodies can manifest in different ways. For example, it may first start with tightened abdominal muscles, leading to a loss of appetite, and perhaps even insomnia and migraines.

Unfortunately, stress brought about by uncertainty also creates chemical reactions in our brain that often causes us to be less watchful of the things we say to others. We then start to demonise them and paint ourselves as victims. Often, hurtful words spring forth reactively and relationships sour. Ironically, this result is what we often want the least as an outcome of the uncertainty we were struggling with.

Yet, in instances like these, why not have faith in the good-naturedness of others? Why not choose to be assured of the other’s good intentions? Must they necessarily be on an opposite team just because they have differing opinions?

Yes, in times of conflict, let’s try to have more faith in the goodness in others. This would result in more balanced emotions, paving way for more objective dialogue. Minimally, you can be certain of a logical outcome excluding emotions!

3. Faith in Waiting

In my earlier article I discussed about the concept of Seasons, one of which is the Season of Rest.

The Season of Rest can be frustrating for social entrepreneurs, knowing how active and activity-filled we can be :P. Investing these periods of low-activity may also yield uncertain returns.

Yet, Rest here does not mean to slack off and do nothing. Rather, it should be a period of renewal. It’s an active kind of Rest. This is a season of expectant waiting:

For that breakthrough idea to pop into your head while you’re in the shower.

For a crystallisation of murky thoughts into a vision statement.

For that eureka moment.

Faith in Waiting means having the confident assurance that it (whatever it may be) will come to you during your Season of Rest.

In conclusion, it is futile to attempt gaining control over uncertainty. Rather, what’s more helpful would be to gain control over how one views uncertainty. This means an intentional change of mindset must take place.

Faith is intentionally believing that things will work out for the best, amidst all the uncertainty.

While this will not make the uncertainty go away, Faith acknowledges that we are not supermen/women, and instead allows us to focus on things within our human control.

Faith may be based on the soundness of plans, the kindness of human nature, the strength of a relationship, or even one’s ingenuity.

Yet, at the end of the day, Faith is a choice; A choice to believe. As a Christian, I choose to believe that amidst life’s chaos and uncertainty, I have a God who is in control and knows what He’s doing.



Gabriel Tan

Impact Entrepreneur of the Year, Gabriel has trained thousands of young people in social entrepreneurship and incepted 13 social businesses throughout ASEAN.